;;; ggp.el -- General Game Playing Client
;;; Copyright (C) 2014 Kyle W T Sherman
;; Author:   Kyle W T Sherman <kylewsherman at gmail dot com>
;; Created:  2014-04-07
;; Version:  0.1
;; Keywords: general game playing client ggp
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
;; terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
;; Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
;; WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
;; FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
;; details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
;; with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free Software
;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
;;; Commentary:
;; Starts a client that will play GGP (General Game Playing) matches.
;; See http://www.ggp.org/ for more information on GGP.
;; Installation:
;; Put `ggp.el' where you keep your elisp files ...

;;; Code:

;; elnode
(require 'elnode)

;; customize group
(defgroup ggp nil
  "General Game Playing."
  :tag "GGP"
  :prefix "ggp-"
  :group 'applications)

(defcustom ggp-host
  "Host address."
  :type 'string
  :group 'ggp)

(defcustom ggp-port
  "Server port."
  :type 'integer
  :group 'ggp)

(defcustom ggp-name
  "Client name."
  :type 'string
  :group 'ggp)

(defcustom ggp-player
  "Current game player."
  :type 'symbol
  :group 'ggp
  :options '(ggp-player-test ggp-player-legal))

(defcustom ggp-debug-log
  "If non-nil debugging log entries are written to `ggp-debug-buffer-name'."
  :type 'boolean
  :group 'ggp)

;;(setq ggp-debug-log nil)
(setq ggp-debug-log t)

;; ggp output buffer name
(defconst ggp-output-buffer-name
  "Buffer name to use for ggp output.")

;; ggp debug buffer name
(defconst ggp-debug-buffer-name
  "Buffer name to use for ggp debugging output.")

;; clear debug buffer
(defun ggp-debug-clear ()
  "Clear debugging buffer."
  (when ggp-debug-log
      (get-buffer-create ggp-debug-buffer-name)
      (set-buffer ggp-debug-buffer-name)

;; log to debug buffer
(defun ggp-debug-log (message)
  "Write MESSAGE to debugging buffer."
  (when ggp-debug-log
      (get-buffer-create ggp-debug-buffer-name)
      (set-buffer ggp-debug-buffer-name)
      (goto-char (point-max))
      (insert message)

;; timestamp
(defun ggp-timestamp ()
  "Return current time in 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS' format."
  (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"))

;; events
(defconst ggp-keywords-events
  '("info" "start" "play" "stop" "abort")
  "GGP events.

  (abort MATCHID)")

;; relations
(defconst ggp-keywords-relations
  '("base" "does" "goal" "init" "input" "legal" "next" "role" "terminal" "true")
  "GGP relations.

  (role ROLE)
  (input ROLE ACTION)
  (legal ROLE ACTION)
  (does ROLE ACTION)
  (goal ROLE ACTION)

;; functions
(defconst ggp-keywords-functions
  '("and" "distinct" "not")
  "GGP funtions.

  (and X1 X2 ... Xn)       All Xn's must be true; and is implied for all parameters
  (distinct X1 X2 ... Xn)  All Xn's must be different
  (not X)                  Negate X")

;; list of ascii character codes and their enumerated types
(defvar ggp-parse-grammar-char-type
  `(,@(cl-loop for c from (string-to-char "A") to (string-to-char "Z") collect (cons c :letter))
    ,@(cl-loop for c from (string-to-char "a") to (string-to-char "z") collect (cons c :letter))
    ,@(cl-loop for c from (string-to-char "0") to (string-to-char "9") collect (cons c :number))
    ;;,(cons (string-to-char "`") :back-tick)
    ,(cons (string-to-char "~") :tilde)
    ;;,(cons (string-to-char "!") :bang)
    ;;,(cons (string-to-char "@") :at)
    ;;,(cons (string-to-char "#") :pound)
    ;;,(cons (string-to-char "$") :dollar)
    ;;,(cons (string-to-char "%") :percent)
    ;;,(cons (string-to-char "^") :carret)
    ;;,(cons (string-to-char "&") :ampersand)
    ;;,(cons (string-to-char "*") :asterisk)
    ,(cons (string-to-char "(") :left-paren)
    ,(cons (string-to-char ")") :right-paren)
    ;;,(cons (string-to-char "-") :minus)
    ;;,(cons (string-to-char "_") :underscore)
    ,(cons (string-to-char "=") :equal)
    ;;,(cons (string-to-char "+") :plus)
    ;;,(cons (string-to-char "[") :left-bracket)
    ;;,(cons (string-to-char "]") :right-bracket)
    ;;,(cons (string-to-char "{") :left-curly-bracket)
    ;;,(cons (string-to-char "}") :right-curly-bracket)
    ;;,(cons (string-to-char "\\") :backslash)
    ;;,(cons (string-to-char "|") :pipe)
    ,(cons (string-to-char ";") :semicolon)
    ;;,(cons (string-to-char ":") :colon)
    ;;,(cons (string-to-char "'") :tick)
    ;;,(cons (string-to-char "\"") :quote)
    ,(cons (string-to-char ",") :comma)
    ,(cons (string-to-char ".") :period)
    ,(cons (string-to-char "<") :less-than)
    ;;,(cons (string-to-char ">") :greater-than)
    ;;,(cons (string-to-char "/") :slash)
    ,(cons (string-to-char "?") :question)
    ,@(list (cons (string-to-char " ") :whitespace)
            (cons (string-to-char "\t") :whitespace))
    ,(cons (string-to-char "\n") :newline))
  "List of characters and their types.")

;; hash table of codes to types
(defvar ggp-parse-grammar-char-type-hash
  "List of characters and their types.")
(dolist (item ggp-parse-grammar-char-type)
  (setf (gethash (car item) ggp-parse-grammar-char-type-hash)
        (cdr item)))

;; list of enumerated types and their ascii character codes
(defvar ggp-parse-grammar-type-char-hash
  "List of types and their characters.")
(dolist (item ggp-parse-grammar-char-type)
  (let ((entry (gethash (cdr item) ggp-parse-grammar-type-char-hash)))
    (if entry
        (if (listp entry)
            (setf (gethash (cdr item) ggp-parse-grammar-type-char-hash)
                  (append entry (list (car item))))
          (setf (gethash (cdr item) ggp-parse-grammar-type-char-hash)
                (list entry (car item))))
      (setf (gethash (cdr item) ggp-parse-grammar-type-char-hash)
            (car item)))))

;; list of statements, reserverd words, and functions and their symbols
(defvar ggp-parse-grammar-keyword-type
   `(,@(cl-loop for key in ggp-keywords-events
             for dkey = (downcase key)
             collect (eval (read (concat "(cons " "\"" dkey "\"" " :" dkey ")"))))
     ,@(cl-loop for key in ggp-keywords-relations
             for dkey = (downcase key)
             collect (eval (read (concat "(cons " "\"" dkey "\"" " :" dkey ")"))))
     ,@(cl-loop for key in ggp-keywords-functions
             for dkey = (downcase key)
             collect (eval (read (concat "(cons " "\"" dkey "\"" " :" dkey ")")))))
   (lambda (a b) (string< (car a) (car b)))))

;; hash table of keywords to types
(defvar ggp-parse-grammar-keyword-type-hash
  (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
  "List of keywords and their types.")
(dolist (item ggp-parse-grammar-keyword-type)
  (setf (gethash (car item) ggp-parse-grammar-keyword-type-hash)
        (cdr item)))

;; custom types
(defvar ggp-parse-custom-types
  '(:function :variable :constant)
  "Custom types.")

;; parse request
(defun ggp-parse-request (request)
  "Parse GGP REQUEST into a list of tokens.

Format returned:

  ((TYPE1 . VALUE1)
   (TYPE2 . VALUE2)
  (let (tokens                        ; generated token list
        current                       ; current string
        (state :start)                ; current state
        (current-type :constant))     ; current type
    ;; loop over all characters in request
    (cl-loop for char across (concat request " ")
             do (let ((type (gethash char ggp-parse-grammar-char-type-hash)))
                  ;; handle states differently
                  ;; if inside a comment, ignore characters until a newline is reached
                  (when (eq state :comment)
                    (when (eq type :newline)
                      (setq state :end)))
                  ;; if inside text string, either add to it or push token
                  (when (eq state :text)
                    ;; letters and numbers are valid text
                    (if (or (eq type :letter) (eq type :number) (eq type :period))
                        (setq current (concat current (char-to-string char)))
                      ;; else add current text token, and continue
                        ;; if text is a keyword (and a function)
                        (if (and (eq current-type :function)
                                 (gethash (downcase current) ggp-parse-grammar-keyword-type-hash))
                            ;; push keyword token
                            (push (cons (gethash (downcase current) ggp-parse-grammar-keyword-type-hash) nil) tokens)
                          ;; else, push text
                          (push (cons current-type current) tokens))
                        (setq current nil
                              current-type :constant
                              state :start))))
                  ;; if inside number string, either add to it or push token
                  (when (eq state :number)
                    ;; only numbers are valid
                    (if (eq type :number)
                        (setq current (concat current (char-to-string char)))
                      ;; else add current number token, and continue
                        ;; letters may not follow a number
                        (if (eq type :letter)
                            (push (cons :error :syntax-error) tokens)
                          (push (cons :number (string-to-number current)) tokens))
                        (setq current nil
                              state :start))))
                  ;; handle everything else
                  (when (eq state :start)
                    ;; current should be nil (internal error, if not)
                    (assert (eq current nil) t "Variable current not cleared")
                    ;; type should be valid
                    (if type
                        ;; ignore whitespace and newlines
                        (unless (or (eq type :whitespace) (eq type :newline))
                           ;; text start
                           ((eq type :letter)
                            (setq current (char-to-string char)
                                  state :text))
                           ;; number start
                           ((eq type :number)
                            (setq current (char-to-string char)
                                  state :number))
                           ;; variable start
                           ((eq type :question)
                            (setq state :text
                                  current-type :variable))
                           ;; function start
                           ((eq type :left-paren)
                            (setq current-type :function)
                            (push (cons type nil) tokens))
                           ;; comment start
                           ((eq type :semicolon)
                            (setq state :comment))
                           ;; just add any other types verbatim
                            (push (cons type nil) tokens))))
                      ;; add error token for unknown symbol
                      (push (cons :error :syntax-error) tokens)))
                  (when (eq state :end)
                    (setq state :start))))
    ;; return tokens
    (nreverse tokens)))

;; extract event from parsed request
(defun ggp-extract-event (parsed-request)
  "Convert PARSED-REQUEST into a simpler event list.

Format returned:

  info  => (:info)
  play  => (:play MATCHID ACTIONS)
  stop  => (:stop MATCHID ACTIONS)
  abort => (:abort MATCHID)

If any parsing errors occur, nil is returned."
  (cl-labels ((match (type)
                     (let ((item (car parsed-request)))
                       (when (eq (car item) type)
                         (setq parsed-request (cdr parsed-request))
                         (or (cdr item) t))))
              (match-parens ()
                            (let ((count 0)
                              (while (or (not stack) (plusp count))
                                (let ((item (car parsed-request)))
                                  (push item stack)
                                  (setq parsed-request (cdr parsed-request))
                                   ((eq (car item) :left-paren)
                                    (setq count (1+ count)))
                                   ((eq (car item) :right-paren)
                                    (setq count (1- count))))))
                              (nreverse stack))))
    (when (match :left-paren)
       ((match :info)
        (when (match :right-paren)
          (list :info)))
       ((match :start)
        (let ((matchid (match :constant))
              (role (match :constant))
              (description (match-parens))
              (startclock (match :number))
              (playclock (match :number)))
          (when (and matchid role description startclock playclock
                     (match :right-paren))
            (list :start matchid role description startclock playclock))))
       ((match :play)
        (let ((matchid (match :constant))
              (actions (match-parens)))
          (when (and matchid actions (match :right-paren))
            (list :play matchid actions))))
       ((match :stop)
        (let ((matchid (match :constant))
              (actions (match-parens)))
          (when (and matchid actions (match :right-paren))
            (list :stop matchid actions))))
       ((match :abort)
        (let ((matchid (match :constant)))
          (when (and matchid (match :right-paren))
            (list :abort matchid))))))))

;; extract rule-set from parsed description
(defun ggp-extract-rule-set (description)
  "Convert DESCRIPTION into a simpler rule set.

Format returned:

  ((:role . (ROLE1 ROLE2 ... ROLEn))
   (:relation . (RELATION1 RELATION2 ... RELATIONn))
   (:data . (DATA1 DATA2 ... DATAn)))

If any parsing errors occur, nil is returned."
  (let ((valid t)
    (cl-labels ((look (type)
                      (let ((item (car description)))
                        (when (eq (car item) type)
                          (or (cdr item) t))))
                (soft (type)
                      (let ((item (car description)))
                        (when (eq (car item) type)
                          (setq description (cdr description))
                          (or (cdr item) t))))
                (match (type)
                       (let ((item (car description)))
                         (if (eq (car item) type)
                               (setq description (cdr description))
                               (or (cdr item) t))
                           (setq valid nil))))
                (match-parens (&optional no-left-paren)
                              (let ((count (if no-left-paren 1 0))
                                (while (and (or (not stack) (plusp count))
                                  (let ((item (car description)))
                                     ((eq (car item) :left-paren)
                                      (setq count (1+ count)))
                                     ((eq (car item) :right-paren)
                                      (setq count (1- count)))
                                      (push item stack)))
                                    (setq description (cdr description))))
                                (nreverse stack)))
                (parse-tail ()
                            (let (tail)
                              (while (and (not (soft :right-paren))
                                (push (match-parens) tail))
                              (nreverse tail)))
                (parse-head ()
                            (let ((lhs (match-parens t))
                                  (rhs (parse-tail)))
                              (append (list lhs) rhs)))
                (parse-relation-complex (type)
                               (if (assq type relation)
                                   (setcdr (assq type relation) (list (append (cadr (assq type relation)) (list (parse-head)))))
                                 (push (cons type (list (list (parse-head)))) relation)))
                (parse-relation-simple (type)
                              (if (assq type relation)
                                  (setcdr (assq type relation) (list (append (cadr (assq type relation)) (list (parse-tail)))))
                                (push (cons type (list (list (parse-tail)))) relation)))
                (parse-data-simple (type)
                                   (if (assq type data)
                                       (setcdr (assq type data) (list (append (cadr (assq type data)) (list (parse-tail)))))
                                     (push (cons type (list (list (parse-tail)))) data))))
      (when (match :left-paren)
        (while (and valid (soft :left-paren))
          ;;(ggp-debug-log (format "Next token: %S" (car description)))
           ;; relations
           ((soft :less-than)
            (match :equal)
            (if (soft :left-paren)
                 ((soft :base)
                  (parse-relation-complex :base))
                 ((soft :input)
                  (parse-relation-complex :input))
                 ((soft :init)
                  (parse-relation-complex :init))
                 ((soft :legal)
                  (parse-relation-complex :legal))
                 ((soft :next)
                  (parse-relation-complex :next))
                 ((soft :goal)
                  (parse-relation-complex :goal))
                 (t                     ; custom relation
                  (parse-relation-complex :custom)))
               ((soft :terminal)
                (parse-relation-simple :terminal))
               (t                       ; custom relation
                (parse-relation-simple :custom)))))
           ;; data
           ((soft :role)
            (let ((r (match :constant)))
              (if (and r (match :right-paren))
                  (push r role)
                (setq valid nil))))
           ((soft :base)
            (parse-data-simple :base))
           ((soft :input)
            (parse-data-simple :input))
           ((soft :init)
            (parse-data-simple :init))
           ((soft :terminal)
            (parse-data-simple :terminal))
           (t                           ; custom data
            (parse-data-simple :custom))))
        (match :right-paren)
        (if (not valid)
            (ggp-debug-log (format "Error extracting rule-set:\n  Remaining Description: %S\n  Parsed Role: %S\n  Parsed Relation: %S\n  Parsed Data: %S"
                                   description (nreverse role) (nreverse relation) (nreverse data)))
          `((:role . ,(nreverse role))
            (:relation . ,(nreverse relation))
            (:data . ,(nreverse data))))))))

;; true
(defun ggp-true (proposition state)
  "Return non-nil if PROPOSITION is true for STATE."
  (member proposition state))

;; fund roles
(defun ggp-find-roles (rules)
  "Return list of roles found in RULES."
  (cdr (assq :role rules)))

;; find bases (propositions)
(defun ggp-find-bases (rules)
  "Return list of bases found in RULES."
  (cdr (assq :base (cdr (assq :relation rules)))))

;; find inputs (actions)
(defun ggp-find-inputs (role rules)
  "Return list of inputs found for ROLE in RULES."

;; find inits
(defun ggp-find-inits (rules)
  "Return list of all propositions that are true in the initial state."
  (let ((data (cdr (assq :data rules))))
    (mapcar (lambda (x) (cadr x))
            (cl-remove-if (lambda (x) (not (eq :init (car x)))) data))))

;; find legal p

;; find legal x

;; find legal s

;; find next s

;; find reward

;; find terminal p
(defun ggp-find-terminal-p (state rules)
  "Return list of terminal propositions found in RULES."
  (cdr (assq :terminal (cdr (assq :relation rules)))))

;; findroles(rules)
;; findbases(rules)
;; findinputs(role, rules)
;; findinits(rules)
;; findlegalp(role, action, state, rules)
;; findlegalx(role, state, rules)
;; findlegals(role, state, rules)
;; findnexts(move, state, rules)
;; findreward(role, state, rules)
;; findterminalp(state, rules)

;; findroles(game) - returns a sequence of roles.
;; findpropositions(game) - returns a sequence of propositions.
;; findactions(role,game) - returns a sequence of actions for a specified role.
;; findinits(game) - returns a sequence of all propositions that are true in the initial state.
;; findlegalx(role,state,game) - returns the first action that is legal for the specified role in the specified state.
;; findlegals(role,state,game) - returns a sequence of all actions that are legal for the specified role in the specified state.
;; findnext(roles,move,state,game) - returns a sequence of all propositions that are true in the state that results from the specified roles performing the specified move in the specified state.
;; findreward(role,state,game) - returns the goal value for the specified role in the specified state.
;; findterminalp(state,game) - returns a boolean indicating whether the specified state is terminal.

;; onlisp example

;; (defun make-db (&optional (size 100))
;;   (make-hash-table :size size))

;; (defvar *default-db* (make-db))

;; (defun clear-db (&optional (db *default-db*))
;;   (clrhash db))

;; (defmacro db-query (key &optional (db '*default-db*))
;;   `(gethash ,key ,db))

;; (defun db-push (key val &optional (db *default-db*))
;;   (push val (db-query key db)))

;; (defmacro fact (pred &rest args)
;;   `(progn (db-push ',pred ',args)
;;           ',args))

;; (defmacro with-answer (query &body body)
;;   (let ((binds (gensym)))
;;     `(dolist (,binds (interpret-query ',query))
;;        (let , (mapcar (lambda (v)
;;                         `(,v (binding ',v ,binds)))
;;                       (vars-in query #'atom))
;;          ,@body))))

;; (defun interpret-query (expr &optional binds)
;;   (case (car expr)
;;     (and (interpret-and (reverse (cdr expr)) binds))
;;     (or      (interpret-or (cdr expr) binds))
;;     (not (interpret-not (cadr expr) binds))
;;     (t       (lookup (car expr) (cdr expr) binds))))

;; (defun interpret-and (clauses binds)
;;   (if (null clauses)
;;       (list binds)
;;     (mapcan (lambda (b)
;;               (interpret-query (car clauses) b))
;;             (interpret-and (cdr clauses) binds))))

;; (defun interpret-or (clauses binds)
;;   (mapcan (lambda (c)
;;             (interpret-query c binds))
;;           clauses))

;; (defun interpret-not (clause binds)
;;   (if (interpret-query clause binds)
;;       nil
;;     (list binds)))

;; (defun lookup (pred args &optional binds)
;;   (mapcan (lambda (x)
;;             (aif2 (match x args binds) (list it)))
;;           (db-query pred)))

;; (clear-db)
;; (fact painter hogarth william english)
;; (fact painter canale antonio venetian)
;; (fact painter reynolds joshua english)
;; (fact dates hogarth 1697 1772)
;; (fact dates canale 1697 1768)
;; (fact dates reynolds 1723 1792)

;; (:left-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:role) (:constant . "robot") (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:less-than) (:equal) (:left-paren) (:base) (:left-paren) (:function . "cell") (:variable . "M") (:variable . "N") (:variable . "P") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:function . "row") (:variable . "M") (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:function . "col") (:variable . "N") (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:function . "piece") (:variable . "P") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:less-than) (:equal) (:left-paren) (:base) (:left-paren) (:function . "captures") (:variable . "M") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:function . "scoremap") (:variable . "M") (:variable . "N") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:less-than) (:equal) (:left-paren) (:base) (:left-paren) (:function . "step") (:variable . "N") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:function . "succ") (:variable . "M") (:variable . "N") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:less-than) (:equal) (:left-paren) (:input) (:constant . "robot") (:left-paren) (:function . "move") (:variable . "M1") (:variable . "N1") (:variable . "M2") (:variable . "N2") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:function . "row") (:variable . "M1") (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:function . "col") (:variable . "N1") (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:function . "knightmove") (:variable . "M1") (:variable . "N1") (:variable . "M2") (:variable . "N2") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "row") (:number . 1) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "row") (:number . 2) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "row") (:number . 3) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "row") (:number . 4) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "row") (:number . 5) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "col") (:number . 1) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "col") (:number . 2) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "col") (:number . 3) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "piece") (:constant . "knight") (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "piece") (:constant . "pawn") (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "piece") (:constant . "blank") (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:init) (:left-paren) (:function . "cell") (:number . 1) (:number . 1) (:constant . "knight") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:init) (:left-paren) (:function . "cell") (:number . 1) (:number . 2) (:constant . "pawn") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:init) (:left-paren) (:function . "cell") (:number . 1) (:number . 3) (:constant . "pawn") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:init) (:left-paren) (:function . "cell") (:number . 2) (:number . 1) (:constant . "pawn") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:init) (:left-paren) (:function . "cell") (:number . 2) (:number . 2) (:constant . "pawn") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:init) (:left-paren) (:function . "cell") (:number . 2) (:number . 3) (:constant . "pawn") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:init) (:left-paren) (:function . "cell") (:number . 3) (:number . 1) (:constant . "pawn") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:init) (:left-paren) (:function . "cell") (:number . 3) (:number . 2) (:constant . "pawn") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:init) (:left-paren) (:function . "cell") (:number . 3) (:number . 3) (:constant . "pawn") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:init) (:left-paren) (:function . "cell") (:number . 4) (:number . 1) (:constant . "pawn") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:init) (:left-paren) (:function . "cell") (:number . 4) (:number . 2) (:constant . "pawn") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:init) (:left-paren) (:function . "cell") (:number . 4) (:number . 3) (:constant . "pawn") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:init) (:left-paren) (:function . "cell") (:number . 5) (:number . 1) (:constant . "pawn") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:init) (:left-paren) (:function . "cell") (:number . 5) (:number . 2) (:constant . "pawn") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:init) (:left-paren) (:function . "cell") (:number . 5) (:number . 3) (:constant . "pawn") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:init) (:left-paren) (:function . "captures") (:number . 0) (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:init) (:left-paren) (:function . "step") (:number . 1) (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:less-than) (:equal) (:left-paren) (:legal) (:constant . "robot") (:left-paren) (:function . "move") (:variable . "M1") (:variable . "N1") (:variable . "M2") (:variable . "N2") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:true) (:left-paren) (:function . "cell") (:variable . "M1") (:variable . "N1") (:constant . "knight") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:function . "knightmove") (:variable . "M1") (:variable . "N1") (:variable . "M2") (:variable . "N2") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:less-than) (:equal) (:left-paren) (:next) (:left-paren) (:function . "cell") (:variable . "M2") (:variable . "N2") (:constant . "knight") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:does) (:constant . "robot") (:left-paren) (:function . "move") (:variable . "M1") (:variable . "N1") (:variable . "M2") (:variable . "N2") (:right-paren) (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:less-than) (:equal) (:left-paren) (:next) (:left-paren) (:function . "cell") (:variable . "M1") (:variable . "N1") (:constant . "blank") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:does) (:constant . "robot") (:left-paren) (:function . "move") (:variable . "M1") (:variable . "N1") (:variable . "M2") (:variable . "N2") (:right-paren) (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:less-than) (:equal) (:left-paren) (:next) (:left-paren) (:function . "cell") (:variable . "U") (:variable . "V") (:constant . "pawn") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:true) (:left-paren) (:function . "cell") (:variable . "U") (:variable . "V") (:constant . "pawn") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:does) (:constant . "robot") (:left-paren) (:function . "move") (:variable . "M1") (:variable . "N1") (:variable . "M2") (:variable . "N2") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:distinct) (:variable . "U") (:variable . "M2") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:less-than) (:equal) (:left-paren) (:next) (:left-paren) (:function . "cell") (:variable . "U") (:variable . "V") (:constant . "pawn") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:true) (:left-paren) (:function . "cell") (:variable . "U") (:variable . "V") (:constant . "pawn") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:does) (:constant . "robot") (:left-paren) (:function . "move") (:variable . "M1") (:variable . "N1") (:variable . "M2") (:variable . "N2") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:distinct) (:variable . "V") (:variable . "N2") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:less-than) (:equal) (:left-paren) (:next) (:left-paren) (:function . "cell") (:variable . "U") (:variable . "V") (:constant . "blank") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:true) (:left-paren) (:function . "cell") (:variable . "U") (:variable . "V") (:constant . "blank") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:does) (:constant . "robot") (:left-paren) (:function . "move") (:variable . "M1") (:variable . "N1") (:variable . "M2") (:variable . "N2") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:distinct) (:variable . "U") (:variable . "M2") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:less-than) (:equal) (:left-paren) (:next) (:left-paren) (:function . "cell") (:variable . "U") (:variable . "V") (:constant . "blank") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:true) (:left-paren) (:function . "cell") (:variable . "U") (:variable . "V") (:constant . "blank") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:does) (:constant . "robot") (:left-paren) (:function . "move") (:variable . "M1") (:variable . "N1") (:variable . "M2") (:variable . "N2") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:distinct) (:variable . "V") (:variable . "N2") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:less-than) (:equal) (:left-paren) (:next) (:left-paren) (:function . "captures") (:variable . "Old") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:does) (:constant . "robot") (:left-paren) (:function . "move") (:variable . "M1") (:variable . "N1") (:variable . "M2") (:variable . "N2") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:true) (:left-paren) (:function . "cell") (:variable . "M2") (:variable . "N2") (:constant . "blank") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:true) (:left-paren) (:function . "captures") (:variable . "Old") (:right-paren) (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:less-than) (:equal) (:left-paren) (:next) (:left-paren) (:function . "captures") (:variable . "New") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:does) (:constant . "robot") (:left-paren) (:function . "move") (:variable . "M1") (:variable . "N1") (:variable . "M2") (:variable . "N2") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:true) (:left-paren) (:function . "cell") (:variable . "M2") (:variable . "N2") (:constant . "pawn") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:true) (:left-paren) (:function . "captures") (:variable . "Old") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:function . "succ") (:variable . "Old") (:variable . "New") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:less-than) (:equal) (:left-paren) (:next) (:left-paren) (:function . "step") (:variable . "New") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:true) (:left-paren) (:function . "step") (:variable . "Old") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:function . "succ") (:variable . "Old") (:variable . "New") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:less-than) (:equal) (:left-paren) (:goal) (:constant . "robot") (:goal) (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:true) (:left-paren) (:function . "captures") (:variable . "Count") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:function . "scoremap") (:variable . "Count") (:goal) (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:less-than) (:equal) (:terminal) (:left-paren) (:true) (:left-paren) (:function . "step") (:number . 15) (:right-paren) (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:less-than) (:equal) (:left-paren) (:function . "knightmove") (:variable . "M1") (:variable . "N1") (:variable . "M2") (:variable . "N2") (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:function . "add1row") (:variable . "M1") (:variable . "M2") (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:function . "add2col") (:variable . "N1") (:variable . "N2") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:less-than) (:equal) (:left-paren) (:function . "knightmove") (:variable . "M1") (:variable . "N1") (:variable . "M2") (:variable . "N2") (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:function . "add1row") (:variable . "M1") (:variable . "M2") (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:function . "add2col") (:variable . "N2") (:variable . "N1") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:less-than) (:equal) (:left-paren) (:function . "knightmove") (:variable . "M1") (:variable . "N1") (:variable . "M2") (:variable . "N2") (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:function . "add1row") (:variable . "M2") (:variable . "M1") (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:function . "add2col") (:variable . "N1") (:variable . "N2") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:less-than) (:equal) (:left-paren) (:function . "knightmove") (:variable . "M1") (:variable . "N1") (:variable . "M2") (:variable . "N2") (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:function . "add1row") (:variable . "M2") (:variable . "M1") (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:function . "add2col") (:variable . "N2") (:variable . "N1") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:less-than) (:equal) (:left-paren) (:function . "knightmove") (:variable . "M1") (:variable . "N1") (:variable . "M2") (:variable . "N2") (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:function . "add2row") (:variable . "M1") (:variable . "M2") (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:function . "add1col") (:variable . "N1") (:variable . "N2") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:less-than) (:equal) (:left-paren) (:function . "knightmove") (:variable . "M1") (:variable . "N1") (:variable . "M2") (:variable . "N2") (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:function . "add2row") (:variable . "M1") (:variable . "M2") (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:function . "add1col") (:variable . "N2") (:variable . "N1") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:less-than) (:equal) (:left-paren) (:function . "knightmove") (:variable . "M1") (:variable . "N1") (:variable . "M2") (:variable . "N2") (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:function . "add2row") (:variable . "M2") (:variable . "M1") (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:function . "add1col") (:variable . "N1") (:variable . "N2") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:less-than) (:equal) (:left-paren) (:function . "knightmove") (:variable . "M1") (:variable . "N1") (:variable . "M2") (:variable . "N2") (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:function . "add2row") (:variable . "M2") (:variable . "M1") (:right-paren)
;;     (:left-paren) (:function . "add1col") (:variable . "N2") (:variable . "N1") (:right-paren) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "succ") (:number . 0) (:number . 1) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "succ") (:number . 1) (:number . 2) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "succ") (:number . 2) (:number . 3) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "succ") (:number . 3) (:number . 4) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "succ") (:number . 4) (:number . 5) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "succ") (:number . 5) (:number . 6) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "succ") (:number . 6) (:number . 7) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "succ") (:number . 7) (:number . 8) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "succ") (:number . 8) (:number . 9) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "succ") (:number . 9) (:number . 10) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "succ") (:number . 10) (:number . 11) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "succ") (:number . 11) (:number . 12) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "succ") (:number . 12) (:number . 13) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "succ") (:number . 13) (:number . 14) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "succ") (:number . 14) (:number . 15) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "add1row") (:number . 1) (:number . 2) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "add1row") (:number . 2) (:number . 3) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "add1row") (:number . 3) (:number . 4) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "add1row") (:number . 4) (:number . 5) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "add2row") (:number . 1) (:number . 3) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "add2row") (:number . 2) (:number . 4) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "add2row") (:number . 3) (:number . 5) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "add1col") (:number . 1) (:number . 2) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "add1col") (:number . 2) (:number . 3) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "add2col") (:number . 1) (:number . 3) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "scoremap") (:number . 0) (:number . 0) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "scoremap") (:number . 1) (:number . 1) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "scoremap") (:number . 2) (:number . 3) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "scoremap") (:number . 3) (:number . 7) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "scoremap") (:number . 4) (:number . 11) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "scoremap") (:number . 5) (:number . 16) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "scoremap") (:number . 6) (:number . 22) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "scoremap") (:number . 7) (:number . 29) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "scoremap") (:number . 8) (:number . 37) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "scoremap") (:number . 9) (:number . 45) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "scoremap") (:number . 10) (:number . 54) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "scoremap") (:number . 11) (:number . 64) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "scoremap") (:number . 12) (:number . 75) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "scoremap") (:number . 13) (:number . 87) (:right-paren)
;; (:left-paren) (:function . "scoremap") (:number . 14) (:number . 100) (:right-paren)
;; (:right-paren))

;; variable to hold match and state information
(defvar ggp-match-hash
  (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
  "Holds match information and state for any number of active matches.


  ((MATCHID . ((:matchid . MATCHID)
               (:role . ROLE)
               (:description . DESCRIPTION)
               (:startclock . STARTCLOCK)
               (:playclock . PLAYCLOCK)
               (:expires . TIMESTAMP)
               (:rules . RULES)
               (:player . PLAYER)))

;; remove expired match data
(defun ggp-match-hash-remove-expired ()
  "Remove any expired matches from `ggp-match-hash'.
\nMatches are expired when their :expires timestamp "
  (maphash (lambda (key value)
             (when (time-less-p (time-add (cdr (assq :expires value)) (seconds-to-time 10))
               (remhash key ggp-match-hash)))

;; subroutines

;; findroles(rules)
;; findbases(rules)
;; findinputs(role, rules)
;; findinits(rules)
;; findlegalp(role, action, state, rules)
;; findlegalx(role, state, rules)
;; findlegals(role, state, rules)
;; findnexts(move, state, rules)
;; findreward(role, state, rules)
;; findterminalp(state, rules)
;; doesify(roles, actions)
;; undoesify(sentence)

;; static responses
(defconst ggp-response-error "error")
(defconst ggp-response-ready "ready")
(defconst ggp-response-busy "busy")
(defconst ggp-response-done "done")
(defconst ggp-response-noop "noop")

;; parsed request handler
(defun ggp-handle-request (parsed-request)
  (let ((player (symbol-function (intern-soft ggp-player)))
        (event (ggp-extract-event parsed-request)))
    (ggp-debug-log (format "Event: %S" event))
     ((not player)
      (ggp-debug-log (format "Error: No player found with name: %s" ggp-player))
     ((not event)
      (ggp-debug-log (format "Error: Invalid event: %s" parsed-request))
     ;; (info)
     ((eq (car event) :info)
      (ggp-match-hash-remove-expired)   ; remove any expired matches
      ;; only play one game at a time (for now)
      (if (and (zerop (hash-table-count ggp-match-hash))
               (funcall player :info))
          (concat "((name " ggp-name ") (status available))")
        (concat "((name " ggp-name ") (status busy))")))
     ;; (start ...)
     ((eq (car event) :start)
      (let ((matchid (nth 1 event))
            (role (nth 2 event))
            (description (nth 3 event))
            (startclock (nth 4 event))
            (playclock (nth 5 event)))
        (let ((rules (ggp-extract-rule-set description)))
          (setf (gethash matchid ggp-match-hash)
                `((:matchid . ,matchid)
                  (:role . ,role)
                  (:description . ,description)
                  (:startclock . ,startclock)
                  (:playclock . ,playclock)
                  (:expires . ,(time-add (current-time) (seconds-to-time startclock)))
                  (:rules . ,rules)
                  (:player . ,player)))
          (ggp-debug-log (format "  Created match hash: %S" (gethash matchid ggp-match-hash)))
          (funcall player :start matchid startclock)
     ;; (play ...)
     ((eq (car event) :play)
      (let ((matchid (nth 1 event))
            (actions (nth 2 event)))
        (let ((player (cdr (assq :player (gethash matchid ggp-match-hash))))
              (response (funcall player :play matchid actions)))
          (ggp-debug-log (format "Playing: %s" response))
     ;; (stop ...)
     ((eq (car event) :stop)
      (let ((matchid (nth 1 event))
            (actions (nth 2 event)))
        (let ((player (cdr (assq :player (gethash matchid ggp-match-hash)))))
          (funcall player :stop matchid actions)
          (remhash matchid ggp-match-hash)
     ;; (abort)
     ((eq (car event) :abort)
      (let ((matchid (nth 1 event)))
        (let ((player (cdr (assq :player (gethash matchid ggp-match-hash)))))
          (funcall player :abort matchid)
          (remhash matchid ggp-match-hash)
     ;; error
      (ggp-debug-log (format "Error: Invalid parsed-request: %S" parsed-request))

;; main handler
(defun ggp-handler (httpcon)
  "Main GGP `elnode' handler."
  (let* ((date (ggp-timestamp))
         (request (substring (replace-regexp-in-string "
" "\n"
                                                       (replace-regexp-in-string "\" \. \"" "="
                                                                                 (format "%S" (elnode-http-params httpcon))))
                             3 -3))
         (parsed-request (ggp-parse-request request)))
    ;;(ggp-debug-log (format "%s %s" date (replace-regexp-in-string "\n" " " request)))
    ;;(ggp-debug-log (format "%s %S" date parsed-request))
    (let ((response (ggp-handle-request parsed-request)))
      (ggp-debug-log (format "                ==> %s" response))
      (elnode-http-start httpcon 200
                         '("Content-Type" . "text/acl")
                         `("Content-Length" . ,(int-to-string (length response)))
                         '("Access-Control-Allow-Origin" . "*")
                         '("Access-Control-Allow-Methods" . "POST, GET, OPTIONS")
                         '("Access-Control-Allow-Headers" . " Content-Type")
                         '("Access-Control-Allow-Age" . "86400"))
      (elnode-http-return httpcon response))))

;; clear debug log

;; start server
  ;; setup debug buffer (TODO: remove this)
  (when ggp-debug-log
    (split-window-vertically -10)
    (other-window 1)
    (get-buffer-create ggp-debug-buffer-name)
    (set-buffer ggp-debug-buffer-name)
    (switch-to-buffer ggp-debug-buffer-name)
    (setq buffer-read-only nil)
    (other-window 1))
  (elnode-stop ggp-port)
  (clrhash ggp-match-hash)
  (elnode-start 'ggp-handler :host ggp-host :port ggp-port))

(provide 'ggp)

;;; Players

;; test player
(lexical-let ((data (make-hash-table :test 'equal))) ; use a closure to hold persistent data
  (defun ggp-player-test(event &rest args)
    "Simple GGP player that just picks the next move found in `plays' each turn."
    (let ((name "Test player")
          ;; http://ggp.stanford.edu/applications/050201.php
          (plays '("right"
          ;; http://ggp.stanford.edu/applications/040100.php
          ;; (plays '("(move 1 1 2 3)"
          ;;          "(move 2 3 3 1)"
          ;;          "(move 3 1 4 3)"
          ;;          "(move 4 3 5 1)"
          ;;          "(move 5 1 4 3)"
          ;;          "(move 4 3 5 1)"
          ;;          "(move 5 1 4 3)"
          ;;          "(move 4 3 5 1)"
          ;;          "(move 5 1 4 3)"
          ;;          "(move 4 3 5 1)"
          ;;          "(move 5 1 4 3)"
          ;;          "(move 4 3 5 1)"
          ;;          "(move 5 1 4 3)"
          ;;          "(move 4 3 5 1)")))
       ;; info returns ready
       ((eq event :info)
        (ggp-debug-log (format "%s: (info)" name))
       ;; start returns ready
       ((eq event :start)
        (let ((matchid (nth 0 args))
              (startclock (nth 1 args)))
          (ggp-debug-log (format "%s: (start %s %s)" name matchid startclock))
          (setf (gethash matchid data) plays) ; store plays
       ;; play returns the next move
       ((eq event :play)
        (let ((matchid (nth 0 args))
              (actions (nth 1 args)))
          (ggp-debug-log (format "%s: (play %s %S)" name matchid actions))
          (let* ((plays (gethash matchid data)) ; pop next play from storage
                 (play (car plays)))
            (setf (gethash matchid data) (cdr plays))
       ;; stop returns ready
       ((eq event :stop)
        (let ((matchid (nth 0 args))
              (actions (nth 1 args)))
          (ggp-debug-log (format "%s: (stop %s %S)" name matchid actions))
          (remhash matchid data)
       ;; abort returns ready
       ((eq event :abort)
        (let ((matchid (nth 0 args)))
          (ggp-debug-log (format "%s: (abort %s)" name matchid))
          (remhash matchid data)

;; legal player
(lexical-let ((data (make-hash-table :test 'equal))) ; use a closure to hold persistent data
  (defun ggp-player-legal(event &rest args)
    "Simple GGP player that just picks the first legal move each turn."
    (let ((name "Legal player"))
       ;; info returns ready
       ((eq event :info)
        (ggp-debug-log (format "%s: (info)" name))
       ;; start returns ready
       ((eq event :start)
        (let ((matchid (nth 0 args))
              (startclock (nth 1 args)))
          (ggp-debug-log (format "%s: (start %s %s)" name matchid startclock))
          (let* ((match (gethash matchid ggp-match-hash))
                 (rules (cdr (assq :rules match)))
                 (role (cdr (assq :role match)))
                 (roles (ggp-find-roles rules))
                 (state (ggp-find-inits rules)))
            (setf (gethash matchid data) `((:rules . ,rules) (:role . ,role) (:roles . ,roles) (:state . ,state)))
            (ggp-debug-log (format "  Created match data: %S" (gethash matchid data)))
       ;; play returns the first legal move found
       ((eq event :play)
        (let ((matchid (nth 0 args))
              (actions (nth 1 args)))
          (ggp-debug-log (format "%s: (play %s %S)" name matchid actions))
          (let ((state (cdr (assq :state (gethash matchid data)))))
            (when actions
              (setq state (ggp-find-next roles actions state rules)) ; update state with actions
              (setcdr (assq :state (gethash matchid data)) state)) ; save state
            (ggp-find-legal-x role state rules)))) ; return first legal move
       ;; stop returns ready
       ((eq event :stop)
        (let ((matchid (nth 0 args))
              (actions (nth 1 args)))
          (ggp-debug-log (format "%s: (stop %s %S)" name matchid actions))
       ;; abort returns ready
       ((eq event :abort)
        (let ((matchid (nth 0 args)))
          (ggp-debug-log (format "%s: (abort %s)" name matchid))

;; ;; random player
;; (defvar ggp-player-random
;;   `(
;;     ;; info returns t (ready)
;;     (:info . (lambda ()
;;                (ggp-debug-log "Random player: (info)")
;;                t))
;;     ;; start returns t (ready)
;;     (:start . (lambda (matchid startclock)
;;                 (ggp-debug-log (format "Random player: (start %s %s)" matchid startclock))
;;                 t))
;;     ;; play returns a random legal move
;;     (:play . (lambda (matchid actions)
;;                (ggp-debug-log (format "Random player: (play %s %S)" matchid actions))
;;                t))
;;     ;; stop returns t (ready)
;;     (:stop . (lambda (matchid actions)
;;                (ggp-debug-log (format "Random player: (stop %s %S)" matchid actions))
;;                t))
;;     ;; abort returns t (ready)
;;     (:abort . (lambda (matchid)
;;                 (ggp-debug-log (format "Random player: (abort %s)" matchid))
;;                 t)))
;;   "Simple player that just picks a random legal move each turn.")

;;; ggp.el ends here